Join us and many other Adobe enthusiasts – Adobe evangelists are here to show the latest innovations added to Adobe Creative Cloud since CS6. Come and learn about the hundreds of innovations in products like Photoshop CC and Illustrator CC that will make everyday tasks easier and faster. See firsthand how desktop apps, mobile apps, files, community, and even new creative hardware all work together — allowing you to bring your ideas and work together seamlessly.
This is an official Adobe event. We will provide free appetizers and beverages. Adobe will be providing prizes including a FREE One year Creative Cloud Membership. You must be present to win.
Presenter Bio
Jason Levine, Principal Worldwide Evangelist for Adobe, travels the globe inspiring and educating users on the Adobe Creative Cloud with a focus on video and audio. Levine has conducted training sessions for some of the top broadcast corporations in Europe and Asia including BBC, RTL and SVT. Prior to Adobe, Jason was a full-time recording engineer working in studios coast-to-coast, engineering hundreds of recordings in a multitude of genres, prompting the formation of BoodahJooMusic Publishing. Since 2003, Jason has presented to more than 250,000 people, from Syracuse to Singapore and everywhere in between.